Query Regarding GNU TeXmacs Compatibility with Apple Vision Pro & Possible New Features

Dear TeXmacs Community, Developers and Contributors,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the potential compatibility of GNU TeXmacs with Apple’s recently announced Vision Pro headset.

As many of you are aware, the Vision Pro is Apple’s foray into spatial computing, a promising new field in the world of technology. Given the potential for this device to redefine how we interact with digital content, I am curious about the possibility of using GNU TeXmacs on this platform.

TeXmacs has been a vital tool for me and many others in the scientific and academic community. Its capabilities as a scientific word processor and typesetting component have made it indispensable for creating high-quality, professional-looking documents.

Apple is actively encouraging developers to build applications for the Vision Pro and is offering compatibility evaluations for existing iPad and iPhone apps. As such, I was wondering whether there are any plans or considerations for making GNU TeXmacs compatible with the Vision Pro.

I understand that such a task would require a significant amount of work and resources, and I appreciate all the efforts the team puts into maintaining and improving TeXmacs. My curiosity stems from the exciting prospect of being able to use TeXmacs in a spatial computing environment.

Thank you for taking the time to read my message. Any information or insights you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,


What about viewing a 2D TeXmacs document as a 3D real-time strategy game where you deploy various units to work on different aspects of the document?

The terrain would represent the 2D document while various 3D units would work on the terrain to write the document.

Some of the units could be bots (e.g., an AI bot to update the introduction in real-time as the rest of the document changes, etc.) while other units could be your human collaborators.

Units could work on the document concurrently in real-time and a 3d view would show them working much as they would in a real-time strategy game.

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