Quick navigation around sections

Hi all,

I have been using TeXmacs for note taking for quite a while, and I would say the feature I miss the most is the quick navigation of traditional notebook software. In beamer mode we have this wonderful little button

which achieves fast navigation over pages.

I wonder if it’s possible to implement similar button, but over regular documents, and over \sections, \subsections, etc.? It would greatly benefit the experience of writing structured long documents. Thank you :rofl:

It should already be there

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Oh … Oh

Somehow after a reboot, it magically appeared … or did I failed to spot it all the time? :upside_down_face:

This only appears when you are inside a section, because it shows the title of the current section.
Perhaps it would be better to have a permanent icon there that always remains visible.


@jeroen Yep :+1:
I think this feature could greatly enhance the navigation inside a document because you usually are not in the title of a section when wanting to jump around.


I think we need a menu which is always visible and allow to move around in sections. The current UI is not very ergonomic (but does the job). Also would be nice to have a list of equations or a list of theorems, with previews. That should not be difficult to code since most of the infrastructure is already there.


I think that a list of equations or a list of theorems, go in the direction of the tools in the wishlist
https://www.motionmountain.net/onlatex.html, section “An editor needs tools that allow ensuring consistency and quality across the text:”. I am not going to work on items in that list ;-), but they seem within reach with the Scheme in TeXmacs.