Shortcuts in my-init-texmacs

i dont understand why my colors do not work :
(kbd-map (:mode in-math?)
("@ k" insert '(with “color” “red” “<#2665>”));marche pas
("@ p" “<#2660>”);pique
("@ k" “<#2665>”);coeur
("@ c" “<#2666>”);carreau
("@ r" “<#2663>”);trefle

i have tried also :
("@ k" (with “color” “red” “<#2665>”))

the rest work very fine

any help welcome…


Hi @vincent-douce and welcome to the forum!

There seems to be a pair of parenthesis missing:

(kbd-map (:mode in-math?)
  ("@ k" (insert '(with "color" "red" "<#2665>")))

thanks very much it was simple indeed
it works well
but i still have a question :
why does it works when i am on styx mode and not on roman mode ?
are not the same fonts installed in both modes ?

i have now an other question :

(kbd-map (:mode in-math?) ("a z d" (insert '
("a z d" (insert '(with "math-display" "true" ""))) 

a) this does not work
b) i would like to put the cursor, with insert-go-to maybe, i dont know how to find the way to do it

what do you think

I think the reason is that roman is not an unicode font so does not have these glyphs.

Hi Vincent,
I think that

(kbd-map (:mode in-math?) ("a z d" (insert-go-to '(with "math-display" "true" "") '(2 0))))

is what you want.

One needs to keep in mind the following: the list '(2 0) indicates the position inside the tree formed by

'(with "math-display" "true" "") 

And you need to count:
there is the main branch, that is the list that starts with with; the keyword with is the tag of the main branch and you must not count it; you count the children of the branch, starting from zero; they are

child number content
0 "math-display"
1 "true"
2 ""

So we want the third child, which is number 2, so our list for the position in the tree has 2 as its first element; the third child is a string, which is also a tree (with a hidden tag which is string, I just checked it), and we want to be in position 0 (the first child, which is beginning of the string); so '(2 0).


fantstic Giovanni thanks very much it seems to work very properly
also, your explanation is very clear about the list

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hello guys

i am trying this :

   ("= var var" "<Rightarrow>"); ---- => ----

   ("= var var var" "<equiv>"); ---- modulo ---- 

   ("= @  @" "=<infty>"); ---- avoid existing shortcut ----

   ("= @ /" "=<varnothing>");---- avoid existing shortcut ----

   ("< -" "<less>-"); ---- avoid existing shortcut----

   ("< - var" "<leftarrow>") ```

i can’t manage to understand why all of them work very fine except :
= @ @
that gives a o= character (o inside the =) followed by a o
i understand that = @ is maybe still managed by some other file to which texmacs gives priority… but in this cas why does my = @ / gives what i want ?

why in some cases (all except = @ @) i can avoid the existing shortcut and not in the case of = @ @

Hi Vincent,
the first time I tried it I had the impression that it did not work, but the second time it worked

Pls. try and paste from Verbatim the following

(kbd-map (:mode in-math?) ("= @ @" "=<infty>"))

hi Pireddag

works very fine, thanks very much
(i think i had simply put two spaces between @ and @,
and i was looking for a difficult reason whereas the reason was simple…