Sideways figures that take up an entire page

Is it possible to insert a sideways figure that occupies the entire page and is rotated 90 degrees (including the caption)? In latex this is accomplished with the sidewaysfigure environment.

There is Format->Transform->Rotate that might do what you need. For the rest you have to put a page break before and after.

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I tried that, but it doesn’t look right. The image is shifted to one side of the page.

Plus everything looks blurry. As the the whole figure was converted into a low res image.

Then you can further apply Format->Adjust->Shift to center properly the rotated block. As for the blurriness, I have tried with a pdf image and everything remains crisp both on screen and in pdf output. What image type are you using?

I think is png. But it happens to the caption text too.

What happens in the exported PDF?

Have not tried exporting yet, but I’ve reached a compromise for my purposes. I’ll rotate only the image, and leave the caption as is. That seems to work ok.