Simple numerical application

I’m looking for a simple way to compute and show numerical values inside a document.
The approach that I currently use is via Insert> Fold > Executable > Python

Which renders like this after execution:

I’m already happy with this but was wondering if:

  • There is a way to keep the first python executable block visible for easier finding and modification ? I’ve tried without success Insert> Fold > Convertible > Python source code and Insert> Fold > Traversal > keep unfolded

  • There is a better way to do this kind of simple numerical values calculus ?

Thanks and have a nice day.

Hi @fbob! Would a session (Insert->Session) do the trick?

Thanks @jeroen for your feedback :wink:
That’s indeed what I will may opt for.

What’s the meaning of Insert> Fold > Convertible > Python source code ? I was very enthusiastic when I found it because of the nice rendering, but I don’t know what it’s doing.

Thanks :+1:

I’m not sure what that convertible fold is for. I see for example that the HTML convertible fold transforms HTML, like <b>text</b>, into TeXmacs format, bold text in this example. The “source code” convertible folds don’t seem to do anything, as far as I can tell.

Ok, thanks for the explanations :+1: