Superscripts and subscripts broken in TeXmacs 2.1.1

I have just installed the last version of TeXmacs (version 2.1.1) and the superscripts and subscripts are broken: I cannot use the ^ and _ keys to switch to super-/subscript in math mode. The super-/subscript menu-button in the toolbar does not work either and the “multiple root” menu or keyboard shortcut Alt-S Tab are also not working. I can however open TeXmacs documents with super/subscript with no problems. I have tried to erase my old congiguration (in ~/.TeXmacs) and start TeXmacs from scratch but this does not solve the problem. I had these issues on 2 different computers (a laptop and a workstation) both with a 64-bit LinuxMint system (based on focal Ubuntu, that is 20.04 LTS version).

Hi @emmt and welcome to the forum.
There has been a corrected bug on this, please read
for the announcement and description of the bug.
Is it possible that you downloaded the bugged version? Maybe it is worrh downloading and installing TeXmacs again.

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Hi @pireddag thank you for your answer.

I upgraded TeXmacs from what I think is the the official Ubuntu repository:

deb focal universe

As you said that the bug has been fixed, I have just tried to force a reinstallation and, indeed, subscripts, superscripts and multiple roots now work perfectly even though the package version seems to be the same as before (2.1.1-1-focal).


I think that it might be better to use a different version numbers (2.1.1-2, say) in the, at least, deb package, so that this update is recognized by the system.