TeXmacs window sizes suddenly too large on MS Windows 7 32-bit

While running several TeXmacs windows I noticed that 2 of them lost the standard Windows sizing controls (minimize, maximise/restore-down, close) in the top right corner. It may have happened after I opened one of the manuals (man-manual.en.tm). It may be that the windows are larger than the laptop screen.

I closed all the TeXmacs windows. Then I reopened the offending .tm files and the lack of controls (or oversize windows) was still present .


I opened some older files and created a new file and they were ok (except that when maximised the status bar at the bottom is hidden underneath the windows Start menu bar which may have always been the case).

I’d welcome any suggestions on how to restore the proper window size.

It would be interesting to have one of the files that display the bug. As a first step though, I would try resizing the window with a keyboard command (I do not know which under Windows, but I am counting on that one will find it with an Internet search): in fact the whole title bar is missing, and it may be that it went “too much up”.

Hi piredag,

Yes - I found a windows keyboard combo “Alt + Spacebar” which pops up a window control menu which can be driven from the keyboard. Not sure if there are key commands for the specific controls though. Anyway its good enough for restoring most Texmacs windows to the right size so its good enough for resetting the occasional glitch.

However - it doesn’t work when in Beamer-Animation Frame edit mode, I guess because the frame-selector graphic is not easilly-stretchable for some reason. This means lots of user-unfriendly dragging the over-wide window across the screen from left to right and back when editting an animation.

As for a troublesome file that caused it, I dont know that a particular file caused it. It happened to three texmacs windows in the same session and later with the “alt+spacebar” menu I was able to make them behave properly again. The problem occurred when i was doing a lot of learning/work on Beamer animations, so maybe that had something to do with it?


I never tried this so I do not know. I will try but I will be slow, perhaps someone else will be able to help. If you know how to reproduce the behaviour you may also post a bug report in the bug tracker at Savannah.

Thanks. I’m in TeXmacs evaluation mode right now so its not an urgent problem for me.

I may proceed with using TeXmacs seriously.

But I am shying away from using Animations seriously because (for me on windows 7) the user interface logic is hard to understand and the behaviours are unpredictable. Which is a shame because it clearly can do some impressive things.