Using TeXmacs in Windows with tablet and stylus in presentation mode

Hi all, I would like to know if it’s possible the following situation in TeXmacs. Imagine I’ve typed in my lecture notes using the Beamer style (or Education -> course style) and then I use the Presentation mode to use the projector in the classroom. I would like to write on any part of the screen with my stylus, above what is already written. Is that possible? I’d like to get something similar to the software Pdfannotator (look for this word in youtube). Thanks.

Hi @raar14 and welcome to the forum. I think that the menu items “Draw over selection” and “Ink here” might partially do what you want: I did not test them before answering but I recall of a limitation (I think the same limitation for both tools), in that you can draw only on top of a single paragraph, not spanning more than one paragraphs. Also I do not know the difference between the two tools; you find both of them under Insert->Image.