When did Link Previews ship?

I’m wondering what release link previews was shipped in; I’m running TeXmacs 2.1 and I don’t seem to have them. Is there some way of enabling them that I’m missing?

You have to add the package preview-ref, which you find in the “Utilities” submenu of the list of style packages.
I find also the smart-ref package nice (to prepend e.g. the word “Fig.” in front of every reference to a figure), but I forgot how to use it :slight_smile:

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Thanks! What a cool feature!!

No, this is not what smart-ref is doing. It only analyzes the name of the label. If you created a label named after thm:sth, then \smart-ref thm:sth will producd Theorem *, even if the label is not linked to a theorem.

Thx, I had either not realized or fogotten it. I will try it.