Why doesn't my TeXmacs automatically break the line when it reaches the right margin?

I saw this video, and this person’s TeXmacs line breaks automatically!

In mine this happens:

any ideas?


I have discovered a truly marvelous proof of this, which this margin is too narrow to contain.

I guess, for Joris, the margin is never too narrow to contain his marvelous proof!

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and the line that @aizwho wrote is a single word that does not contain any pattern that TeXmacs knows how to break (break into syllables), so TeXmacs never breaks it.


Okay, ty.
It’s because I’m used to Word.

In Word, the line breaks when the sentence reaches the limit. Thanks bro.
To format, I think I’ll go with libreoffice with the equation-editor plugin

Just curious, why would you like your editor to break your stuff in a normal article into unsolicited pieces?

I did not have in mind this difference between Word and TeXmacs. TeXmacs breaks a line only between words or if it recognizes a place where it can break a word (pls. see the two screenshots below). By the way, @aizwho, welcome to the forum.

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