It seems that Texmacs fixed the accent problem while exporting to latex. I could not recall when did I have this issue. I think it was at least two years ago.
French mathematician H. Poincaré is known world-wide. To typeset his name, you have to use Poincar{\'e}
in latex. I have used global replacement via editors after exporting.
Motivated by an answer by @darcy in my post on Chinese texts in Scheme, I switch now to the following code which I post here and hope it would be helpful to many.
(kbd-map (:mode in-text?)
;; latex: Poincar{\'e}, Poincaré
("p o i n c a r e" "Poincar<#00E9>")
;; latex: Monge-Amp{\`e}re, Monge-Ampère
("m o n g e - a m p e r e" "Monge-Amp<#00E8>re")
;; latex: H{\"o}lder, Hölder
("h o l d e r" "H<#00f6>lder")
;;latex: {\v C}ech, Čech
("c e c h" "<#010C>ech"))
The character sequence in <>
is called cork-encoding (heard from Shen’s post). For a complete list of these troublesome characters, you can refer to wiki on Cork encoding and