I am recently trying to use Cadabra plugin. But unable to use this. This is the plugin code. Although, it is starting but it is showing busy.
Cadabra plugin not working
This may be a wrong hint: I suspect that the code is missing the instructions for communication between Cadabra and TeXmacs. I suspect but I do not know because I never learnt how plugins organize the communication between TeXmacs and the external software.
Ohh… I also don’t have any idea. This code is taken from the official plugin( https://github.com/texmacs/texmacs/blob/master/plugins/cadabra/progs/init-cadabra.scm ). I have just removed --texmac from the command as it was showing error.
I think I know now.
The command cadabra --texmacs
launches Cadabra (first version of the software) so that it formats its output in TeXmacs format; see https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_150722_1/component/file_150721/content, sec. 4.1, pag. 14. In this way there is no need of formatting the output that TeXmacs receives from Cadabra.
There is no corresponding startup option for Cadabra 2 (see https://cadabra.science/the_cadabra_book.pdf plus the fact that you are getting an error ).
Perhaps we could write the author of Cadabra, Kasper Peeters, and ask him if it is possible to re-insert that startup option in the program.
Thank you… Got it. Let’s see if he helps😅
Do you want to write him or shall I do it?
I have written a mail but not sure if he will even read that. Let’s hope he will. If you want you can send one too … I guess that will increase the chances