How to add column in align?

In latex, the \begin{align} accept multicolumn where “&” is used to separate each column. While in texmacs, I did find an insert column button, however, it does not work when I press it. I am using 2.1.2 in windows. Is it a bug?

Hi @Jie and welcome to the forum.
I looked at the definition of align and it contains the table formatting


so this tells that it is intended behaviour.

The align macro is below


Changing it to three or more columns by modifying <twith|table-max-cols|2> into for example <twith|table-max-cols|3> I think is easy if one fixes manually the alignment of the columns, a bit more complicated if one wants to automatically fix the alignment of the central columns as well.

May be I know how to do that, but let us first see if anyone else has better ideas.

Said this, I think the “preferred” way to align equations in TeXmacs is with eqnarray*, but that also looks like to be able to have only one alignment point.

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Using a tabular or choice inside an equation can create complex arrangement of equations. However, one can not number individual equations. One can do that in an eqnarray or eqnarray*.

BTW, anyone knows the difference of those two tags? From the source I see eqnarray is defined from eqnarray* like this
But there seems no difference in the final output.

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