I want to use the sympy plugin but my sympy packages are installed inside a conda environment. How do I point the sympy plugin inside texmacs to the conda environment with sympy?
How to launch sympy from a conda environment?
As a follow-up question, why does Python behave differently in the Sympy plugin compared to the Python plugin.
This is the Python plugin. You can see that syntax highlighting is enabled, but pretty_printing()
is not.
This is the Sympy plugin. pretty_printing()
is enabled, but syntax highlighting is not as well as functions now return None
Currently, there are two separate entry for Python session and Sympy session:
- https://gitee.com/texmacs/plugins/blob/master/tmpy/session/tm_python.py
- https://gitee.com/texmacs/plugins/blob/master/tmpy/session/tm_sympy.py
We will unify it in one entry later.
Thanks for the reply. But is there a way to select a conda environment from within texmacs?
You can redefine the function (python-command)
to what you need in your my-init-texmacs.scm
Here is my impl: https://gitee.com/darcyshen/conda
I think pyenv is a better approach:
pyenv is built-in in Mogan Editor.
I’m considering merging the pyenv/conda support for the future python plugin. Just wait me or make your hands dirty.