Update: All right, I tried to configure TeXmacs and Maxima again under windows system. The result is still the same. It is worth noting that the version of Maxima under Windows is 5.42.2 which is different from the version under manjaro. So I can probably be sure that the problem lies in the TeXmacs link.
I’m using TeXmacs as the front-end of Maxima to learn symbolic mathmatical equation. By using Maxima plugin session, every symbol generayed by Maxima is renderd by TeXmacs very well. When I test the symbolic matrix part, I find a showing problem about Maxima symbolic matrix. The problem is shown in the picture below. As you can see that the output 3(%o3) and output 4(%o4) are great, except output 2, the right answer is included in the unknown codes.
And here is some extra information about my Maxima and system:
Maxima version:
My operating system:
Is there any fellow who can help me solve this problem? Thank a lot !!!