Multiple problems with compiling bibliograpy on Windows

Hi all, since the situation got more complicated, I found out about multiple issues with compiling the bibliography since I created this post yesterday I decided to create this new thread in the hope I can list them all and you will help me in creating solutions. I will describe the issues below.

First issue
I compile the bibliography using elsart-num style, the very first citation in the text is numbered 2.
The following citations keep incrementing in order but then for some reason citation, one citation can not be rendered.
I tried everything, changing styles, multiple updates, and bib source correction…
Ordering of references is not as it should be
A reference that should be at position 23 is put on position 1, The first citation is numbered as reference 2.
The ordering of other references is in some part correct, in that that references are incrementing in the order of citation [numbering is not correct due to the one reference at position 1] but then, for some reason, a pair of references swap their position and the reference that is first cited is placed after the one that is cited place at before in the references.

In this image, reference on the place 1 should be on place 23

update, bibtex is on the system path but TeXmacs is not.

Hello, I think that

bibtex -v

is not a valid command. Check bibtex -help for a list of valid commands. I don’t use bibtex standalone, but it looks like you need an .aux file which is generated by latex. After you have an .aux file you should run bibtex filename where filename is the filename of the .aux file.

Yes, that is not a valid command. But when I use the command bibtex --version I see that bibtex is on the system path.
Interestingly, the same command for TeXmacs returns null, even with no error but when I type texmacs.exe in the cmd TeXmacs starts.
So, it seems that TeXmacs is not visible on the path even due I added it to the path and I even created the Texmacs_home path as suggested by @pireddag in yesterday’s answer.