OSPP 2023 Final: bank info from students and mentors (before 11/20)

Here is the email for mentors. cc @mgubi . And I’ve notified the two students.

Dear Mentor,

Congratulations on the successful completion of the project you have been guiding. Kindly log into the system, open the [Mentor Final Review] page, click on the [View] button, and download the “Participant Agreement” at the bottom of the page. Please upload a scanned copy of the signed agreement and provide complete banking information as requested before November 20th(UTC+8). If you have any questions, please email the committee at org@summer-ospp.ac.cn. Thank you!

Best regards,

OSPP Committee

Yes! Kudos to the two students which have completed very interesting projects.

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First sign the agreement, and then provide the bank info. That’s the two steps for students and mentors.