I use Texmacs 1.99.11 on windows 10, 64 bits.
I have some troubles with the Texmacs plugins (I took the precaution of indicating all the paths in the environment variables) :
- When I load a session with the plugins python, asymptote, graph, gnuplot I recieve the message “python: can’t open file ‘C:\Program’: [Errno 2] No such file or directory”. And “Busy” (“En cours” in french) is displayed above the Python (or the other plugins) prompt.
- When I load a session with the plugins Dratex, Feynmf, Matlab, Shell, Texgraph, XYPic. “Busy” is always displayed above the prompt and everything is blocked.
- The plugins that work fine with me are : Scheme, Giac, Maxima, Yacas.
I hope someone can help for these issues.
best regards