(report bugs) Exporting align environments to Latex in TeXmacs

I tried to use \align in Texmacs. But the line breaking of the exported Latex code is not correct. The \eqnarray family has no such problem. Let me explain these in details.

  1. First, the identation of Texmacs by default is off. In order to see the visual, go to menu Document -> Paragraph -> Basic -> First Identation, and select 1tab.

  2. See the picture. Note that the displayed math formula is in the align enviroment

  3. The above exported to Latex:


Let $a = 1$, $b = 2$ and

  c & = a + b.


Therefore $c = 3$. Let

  d & = 2 a + b,

then $d = 4$.
  1. Compiled to pdf, this code generates

Note that all lines are indented with extra one line break before “Therefore” and extra line breaks after and, let.

  1. The Correct Latex Code should be

Let $a = 1$, $b = 2$ and
  c & = a + b.

Therefore $c = 3$. Let
  d & = 2 a + b,
then $d = 4$.
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For bugs, especially like this is always better to post the in the savannah bugtracker, otherwise they risk to go unnoticed by Joris, the main developer which does not use this forum. Thanks!