I have an issue with TeXmacs since this morning. When I try to turn it on it does not respond and closes immediately.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but it didn’t work.
I used the windows repair function and it allows me to open the application but each time I open it, I am asked for admin rights.
I don’t understand what’s going on and how to get the app to work properly again.
Thanks for your help.
TeXmacs do not answer
I think it is worth trying to remove the folder where TeXmacs keeps the user’s personal settings. Sometimes it gets corrupted and makes TeXmacs crash. If you remove it, TeXmacs will regenerate it with default settings, so this could help recover the functioning of the program.
Before deleting that folder, you should save a copy of your customizations (for example a copy of my-init-texmacs.scm, and other files you edited) so that you can insert them later (it is possible that the crash does not happen because of the user’s customizations, but because something that TeXmacs itself wrote in the folder).
Please let me know if you need help to find the folder (in that case, which OS you are using).
Hello, I can’t find this file. Is it a program subfolder?My OS is windows
Try to use the method here:
Hopefully the TeXmacs opened with adminstrator rights uses the same paths as the one opened without adminisrtrator rights. In this case she could use the command in the Scheme session in the shown in the thread.
If the broken TeXmacs is what is needed the method won’t work , but a message from @darcy in the same thread ([Solved] Where is the .texmacs folder on windows 10?) tells to input
in the address bar of the Windows File Explorer.
Later or tomorrow I am going to boot up my Windows installation and give the folder to which %appdata%/TeXmacs
If I understand correctly, this method would not work since the OP cannot run TeXmacs properly, let alone openning a Scheme session.
It corresponds to
where one has to substitute for _username_
on’s own Windows username. Using %appdata%/TeXmacs
might be the simplest way to identify one’s personal settings folder.
Hello, thank you I solved my problem. I renamed my TeXmacs user folder to TeXmacs_old and a new folder is created when I start TeXmacs.