Texmacs Symbols are to large to fit

Dear all,

thanks for this great software. Its way more fun and productive than writing Latex. I actually started writing most of my notes on the computer and not by hand anymore since I discovered TexMacs because I enjoy the process so much.

The symbols in the upper half all seem to be scaled a bit to big, see this image:

Maybe this has something to do with my screen resolution (2560 x 1440), I do not have this problem on my notebook with a lower resolution. I am running Texmacs on Linux (Manjaro)


Welcome @jacob!

I actually started writing most of my notes on the computer and not by hand anymore since I discovered TexMacs because I enjoy the process so much.

I recognize the feeling, TeXmacs can be addictive :slight_smile:

The symbols in the upper half all seem to be scaled a bit to big, see this image:

There is a known issue related to the toolbar height on Linux:
There is a patch attached to that issue, in case you know how to compile TeXmacs.

Perhaps @mgubi could have a look at this?

Did you enable “Use high resolution icons” in View -> High resolution settings?

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Thanks. They were enabled by default as it seems. Disabling them makes the icons pretty small but solves the problem. I think I’ll use that for now and if I can’t live with it I’ll go through the compiling process.

Hi, it could be that the icons where in ‘retina’ mode, but not the font.
You may play a bit more with the high resolution settings.
If you can somehow increase the font size, then maybe things will look better.